Nigerian based model Amal Contran made a statement on the run away recently with what looked like an unexpected trip off the runway. Amal who was the opening act of the show for Kinabuti, a Nigerian fashion house run by Italian designer Caterina Bortolussi unexpectedly hit the ground while walking the runway and handled it like a professional that she is as she stood up with grace and still reappeared on the runway though with a bruised knee.
Instead of getting really upset like most bosses will, Caterina Bortolussi covered up for Amal saying she was a blessing and God has his ways of making people remember the fashion show here is how she put it “When we saw the articles today we called her, and she was laughing and happy that she didn’t ruin the show,” Bortolussi said.
“She actually made it special and relevant,” Bortolussi added. “God’s ways are incredible, and it all turned out to be a wonderful blessing.”
Falling on the runway is okay, but managing the fall is what makes you a super-model..
ReplyDeleteFall, stand & pretend it never happened..
Your charisma defines you. -Ini Koko
ReplyDeletethis article is interesting and could add new insights, have a nice day