May 2, 2013
A Plea For Prayer
Read: 2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
Brethren, pray for us. —2
Thessalonians 3:1
A missionary recently visited
the Bible study I was attending. She described what it had been like to pack up
her household, part with friends, and relocate to a distant country. When she
and her family arrived, they were greeted with a flourishing drug-trade and
hazardous roadways. The language barrier brought on bouts of loneliness. They
contracted four different stomach viruses. And her oldest daughter narrowly
escaped death after falling through a railing on an unsafe stairwell. They
needed prayer.
The apostle Paul experienced
danger and hardship as a missionary. He was imprisoned, shipwrecked, and
beaten. It’s no surprise that his letters contained pleas for
prayer. He asked the believers in Thessalonica to pray for success in spreading
the gospel—that God’s Word would “run
swiftly and be glorified” (2Â Thess. 3:1) and that God would deliver him
from “unreasonable and wicked men”
(v.2). Paul knew he would need to “open [his] mouth
boldly” and declare the gospel (Eph. 6:19), which was yet
another prayer request.
Do you know people who need
supernatural help as they spread the good news of Christ? Remember Paul’s
appeal, “Brethren, pray for us”
(2 Thess. 3:1), and intercede for them before the throne of our powerful God. —Jennifer
Benson Schuldt
Commit to pray and intercede—
The battle’s
strong and great’s the need;
And this one truth can’t
be ignored:
Our only help comes from the
Lord. —Sper
Intercede for others in
prayer; God’s throne is always accessible.
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