Friday, 31 January 2014

Meet super model transgender Amiyah Scott and her boyfriend in these pictures

It's one thing to have a sex change, it's another thing to have a normal life after it has been successfully done.

Arthur Scott used to be a cute little boy back in the days until his transgender change to fab model look and is now adressed as amiyah.

Amiyah seems to be loving on the fab lane with a super cute boyfriend and thousands of fans.

This is one hell of a story!!


  1. Her boyfriend has been fucking a man

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. She is a transgender but she is fine than some really women. She is superly beautiful though her breast 100 percent silicon and fake. For her boyfriend, he knows that she is a half man and woman. He is having anal sex with her and she with him.
