Saturday, 31 May 2014

Angry gay reader says ' i didnt choose Homosexuality, but it chose me' in

Ok oo ihe ne me. 

I posted a story about a nigerian family whose 21 year old daughter studying to be an engineer is pregnant and her 23 year old brother a gay dude. 

Well looks like the angry brother also read blogs... And he has replied her and all his critics..

More when you continue; 

Yesterday a young lady sent an email to you concerning her entire family. Well, I'm her brother. My sister has no idea that I'm an adant reader of your blog and yesterday when I came across the story and contacted her, she admited she was responsible for the story. I was very annoyed because I became the subject of severe battery and insults. I do not appreciate it. On the other hand, I'd appreciate if you get my points across to your readers.

Firstly, I'd like you to let your readers know that being gay is not by choice. I haven't chosen to be this way and  I have no control over my sexuality and most importantly, its has nothing to do with "Demonism". Its nature. I didn't choose homosexuality, it chose me. And believe it or not, it didn't choose me today, it didn't choose me yesterday, it chose me 23yr's ago but I only realised 19 years ago at age 4. Can your readers imagine what it must feel like knowing your different from every one else at that tender age ? Of course not. Because they are not "different", they are not the subject of national ridicule and societal hatred.

And no I am not trying to kill my mother and obviously, without any sort of consideration or contemplation, I have no intention of serving jail time because of my sexuality. Hell No! That place is not home for my sexual competencies and desires. Rather, its a centre for maturity and exponential growth. After giving it much thought, I reckon such an environment will breed the metamorphosis of my homosexuality into something more ferocious and also lead to the invention of newer homosexual activities due to the variety of tasteful men I will be cohabiting with. After much reflection, don't you think your government is stupid? How can homosexuality be sanctioned with homosexuals cohabiting?
As for my sister, I will pardon her childish indulgence and the myopic nature of her intelligence. I really can't phantom how she would postulate and go on to adopt such a primitive view of sexuality to the point where she had to "seek help" from equally narrow minded individuals. Whatever action I decided to take with regards to telling my father about my sexual preferences and introducing him to significant people in my life is my business. While some of your viewers comments may have been constructive others just showed why Nigeria is and will continue to remain an underdeveloped country as their illiberal, parochial and bigoted opinions have no place in the developed world.
Finally, as for the individual who suggested that i take myself to T.B. Joshua, I'd like to know exactly what he/she meant. I mean, if i had seen such a comment on any other blog in the world (in spite of the absence of T.B. Joshua's name, any religious name would suffice) Without any pondering, I'd know the brain behind that comment was within a Nigerian body. I don't think any other nation is capable of producing and then containing such a vessel of obtusity. The force behind that individual's imbecility can move mountains and I'm certain such denseness is a major influence upon Nigeria's inability to reach its full potential. I fail to understand what he/she gains from being so unintelligent.

Thanks for taking time to read and understand. I hope your readers take the time to let this little piece of information sick into their thickened skulls. It might take some time but it will surely sink.

Best Regards,
An angry gay reader.



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