Sunday, 1 June 2014

Eva Alordiah and i explored ourselves but argued alot says Iceprince when asked about his relationship with the female rapper.

Who knew these two rappers dated??? 

Well iceprince said it some few weeks ago on a show i think and now he has confirmed it in his new interview with Nigerian tribune.

Read the excerpts when you continue: 

"Yes, she was performing with Emma Nyra and I said she was the First Lady I dated when I came to Lagos. It's true."
So, what happened? Why did you break up?
I say when I first come Lagos nah! We were young and exploring ourselves. We argued a lot.
On Getting Married
(Laughs) I am just 27 years old. I don't have any brother or mentor that got married at 27. So, I have about five years to go. I have to make more money and build a house in Banana Island before I take a woman home.
What he looks out for in a woman 
I just want her to be honest. I don't care if she is beautiful and has figure 8. I just want her to be honest, or we connect and have telepathy

They make a cute couple anyway!!! 

1 comment:

  1. Emma Don Bugedo...1 June 2014 at 15:06

    Hv always likd dis dude,thank God exploration is allowed,m happy he knows he has grown...
