Sunday, 1 June 2014

Mary Remmy Njoku makes a comeback to acting in new movie titled 'A night for sex' see set pictures

The pretty blackberry babes actress Mary Remmy who married Iroko tv boss and had a cute son is making a come back to the movie industry as she is set to star alongside kalu Ikeagwu and Moyo lawal in the movie, a night for sex'

She sure looks good.....marriage and pregnancy has been good for her.

What do you think guys?

Ok i want to start rewarding the top commenters of every week and every month... Just something to keep the buzz coming. Its undeniable that April and may was a good month for us right????


  1. Hapy 2 c my namesake bk.sure april n may was kol.I was lucky enuf 2 b 1 of winners.feels real gud

  2. Emma Don Bugedo...1 June 2014 at 04:01

    Yeah,she hasn't b visible 4 us 2 c her,gud she's back nd we hope 2 c her in an improved acting skills. Hope 2 b part of d winners though,luv u gurl...Emma Don Bugedo...

  3. She looks Georgous!

  4. Lookn cool
