Sunday, 22 March 2015

Billionaire Wife caroline Danjuma bears it all in juicy new interview

Hello guys! And welcome to the XPERIENCE with Omaje. I'm really joyful to have Mrs Caroline Ekanem Danjuma as our guest, on the XPERIENCE this week!

Exactly five weeks ago, I sent an invitation to her, and a host of other leading woman to be on my show, so they can share their experience with us, so we could learn a thing or two from them and also get to know them better.

I didn't get a reply from any of them, most of the messages had not even been seen yet. Just yesterday at noon, a message popped up on my phone, and it was her ,saying "Hi, I just saw this, what is this all
about please?" I quickly explained the XPERIENCE objectives to her and it caught her pleasure, and we hooked up for the interview.

I am astonished, by the kind of woman, Caroline Danjuma is - despite the billions she wallows in, she still has a great measure of modesty and a lot of love for Nigeria, even though she is Scottish and her mother from Akwa Ibom state.

A woman who would put her family first, she did not trade caring for them for a movie career, she had to stop to groom her kids. Really Amazing! She doesn't even take much pictures, totally rare for a billionaire's wife. She is exclusively different, from others. A woman that understands the importance of keeping a home.

She devoted exactly 10 years and ready to give more and more of her years, to her family, how many women would do this? A very few! I respect her intelligence and devotion to her home, the kind of woman I aspire to be, she is a "rare gem" we celebrate you ma.
Please enjoy our interview with her.

  • XP:What made you go into acting?

Caroline Danjuma: I needed to pay my tuition fee, through university. And I have always been an independent person since I was 14 years old. Going to boarding school made me that way.. I felt I had to do things on my own.

  • XP: How long have u been acting, and what was your first movie?

Caroline Danjuma: My first movie was deadly kiss... I started acting in 2003 and I stopped in 2006 until recently.

  • XP: Any particular reason you stopped acting?

Caroline Danjuma: Acting requires 100 percent concentration and time... Most times you might have to leave your family for weeks... I had to put my family first most especially my kids.. As much as I loved acting, my kids are my top priority.. I needed to bring them up in the right way .

  • XP:That's really great to hear,Tell us about your new movie.

Caroline Danjuma: This is a movie I worked tirelessly for... From the beginning to the very end... There are two executive producers, myself and Moses Iwang . I was also an assistant director and the stylist for the production. I equally acted in it for the first time in 10 years... Nerve cracking but I got all the support I needed from my family as well as my colleagues.. The movie is a block buster, completely different from the first movie I produced... I can't say much on it... But I can assure you it would WOW you... The story line, picture quality, wardrobe , acting etc... We really took out time and brought out our best creative side on this...

  • XP: I'm really looking forward to it. Now that you have started acting, how do you intend to cope as a mother and actress?

Caroline Danjuma: Naaaa I haven't started acting.... I acted in this movie because I needed to.... For me to act .. It must be worth it... Time, money and story line... It must be worth it.

  • XP: What would you prefer to have made you popular if not acting?

Caroline Danjuma: My intelligence and my drive to be a successful and powerful woman .. My integrity, and my capability to stand up for what is right. Also the humanitarian side of me.

  • XP: Do you have any pet projects, past or any plan in the future?

Caroline Danjuma: yes I do. I am about to launch my NGO - Hopeville Foundation... It caters for women who go through difficulties in pregnancy.. Children with birth defects as well as women and children going through depression and stigmatisation.

  • XP: Tell us about the challenges of being a wife and a mother, and how you have handled it?

Caroline Danjuma: Everything in life is challenging but when u have God you have nothing to worry about... When things are extremely tough for me I always remind my self that God gives the greatest battles to his best soldiers... That alone motivates me to keep moving. I do the best I can as a human and I leave the rest to Him.

  • XP: What has been the toughest decision you've made in life?

Caroline Danjuma: When I was a lot younger I always wanted to have my own home and when the time came I had to decide .. To get married at a young age or to enjoy my life till I am 35... I am happy I made the best decision even though it was tough and a bit scary but looking at my family today, I wouldn't trade my decision for anything in the world. There is so much joy coming home to the embrace of your kids.. So much joy.

  • XP: Who has the most influence on your life and why?

Caroline Danjuma: My kids... They have taught me to love without asking to be loved... To forgive without questioning... To always work harder and achieve the best that life could offer because they look up to me... The courage to face challenges and the fact they would worry about nothing gives me an assurance. That life can be what u want it to be if u relax and believe, Above all to always see the best of me.

  • XP: Do you have a favourite person, like a person you admire?

Caroline Danjuma: Yes I do... Job and Queen Esther... I use them as my reference point.... Oprah, Mrs Folorunsho Alakija, Chief Daisy Danjuma. I also admire my brothers, their intelligence and determination.

  • XP: If you could change anything in your life what would it be?

Caroline Danjuma: I have learnt that every disappointment is a blessing... In every negative vibe there is a positive side... I wouldn't change anything... Let the will of God be done.

  • XP: Who is your role model and why?

Caroline Danjuma: Dr Cindy Trimm, She went through a lot in life but never allowed it to break her down. Her biography motivates me. I meditate on her book "Commanding Your Morning" everyday. She has two PhD's ...That is how I want to be, and so much more... She is called upon by presidents all over the world to speak ... That is power.

  • XP:How have you managed to remain this beautiful after 3 kids?

Caroline Danjuma: (excited) good makeup skills first of all and a good sense of style... I try , but I am still working hard to achieve a certain figure for myself... I love my chocolate chip cookies...Thanks for the compliment by the way.

  • XP: You are welcome ma. When is your birthday anniversary?

Caroline Danjuma: June 26

  • XP:What would u consider a birthday gift?

Caroline Danjuma: Hmmmm.... True love, And a 100 more years added to my existing years. I am not really a materialistic person. My happiness is all that matters.

  • XP: What's your favourite food?

Caroline Danjuma: Seafood, Pasta

  • XP: As an Akwa Ibomite  what is your favourite native food? And which do you cook best?

Caroline Danjuma: Hmmm firstly I am Scottish , my mum is from Akwa ibom, I like Afang soup and I cook it really well.

  • XP: Thanks for telling, I never knew.

Caroline Danjuma: I know a lot of misconception... The name I use in the movies Ekanem is just because I want to be affiliated with my mother's people... But I am Scottish.

  • XP:Tell us about you husband and how u feel about him?

Caroline Danjuma: Hmmm. He is a good father and very supportive... I have learnt so much from him.. I am gratefull to God to have met him.

  • XP: How do you define success?

Caroline Danjuma: Setting a goal- hardwork- determination- endurance- achievement... Only extra ordinary people with extra ordinary determination achieve success.



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