Wednesday 8 May 2013


                  Women, we already know what they often want in relationships very simple, love, commitment, romance, money and of course your last name but It might be almost true to just start and end this discussion with saying men only want bloody Good sex and good food in every relationship!!! pause Isy pause OK for the good and responsible men we have around will like to explore more on what men truly want in a relationship. Read and learn!
I will just like to go straight to the point with this topic cause yes as you all know I am not a man! So thank God for books and the internet and of course the few men around me who helped in one way or the other to show me these signs.
1.       Let the little girl show: They will never admit it openly but they love playful girls. Not playful like the mad man on the streets, playful like bringing a little bit of their childhood back into their lives. They want to see that playful side of their women, don’t try to fake it with them just learn to be you and embrace the little girl you have hidden somewhere inside of you.
2.       Be one of the guys: buddy much!!!! Most guys just want to find a buddy in their girlfriends. You know someone that will laugh with him and not at him, see movies and watch football together, play video games, share a meal and just let him be a boy again around you. They want this yes but do they often show this? Don’t think so
3.       A woman who has her own life, one word independent: funny how men want something and often get the opposite. No one wants a bag of liabilities; men want women who have their own stuffs going on for them, no show of neediness always but doesn't always mean that they won’t support you as their woman. But have your own so it’s easier to live past your needs.
4.       No clinging please: everyone loves attention no doubt but women love it more. So unless you are dating a woman like yourself, lay off the clinginess and stalking. I am not saying don’t call or text but don’t make it a text as you breath service or call by the minute. Even if MTN gives you free calls don’t bug him by the hour. If not he will be running out of your life sooner than you expect it.
5.       Live in the present please: I know a lot of girls do this cause I too am not an exception. You meet a guy you like and then you secretly try out the sound of your name with his surname. Hehehe it’s cute and all but please learn to live in the present. He just asked you out and you guys start dating doesn’t mean you are headed down the aisle. You need to not get too pushy about your future together take it one step at a time and the guy that will stay will stay cause he wants to not cause of anything else.
6.       Sexy,trendy, not trashy: this might sound so untrue but yes guys care a  great deal how their women dress. We know they want us sexy but they don’t want other guys staring at you like you are a slut or a street girl. So learn to dress down sometimes maybe imbibe the less is more strategies into your dressing.
7.       Good SEX and Good FOOD: I know I should have put this first but anyways it still makes the list. This might not sound right and I stand to be arguably corrected but guys don’t often go to bed with girls they really like on the first dates. You know sex is good and all but it can also be the beginning of the end for what would have been a beautiful relationship. So know when sex is important and don’t base everything in your relationship on just sex! Cause it’s also true that a guy can sex more than just you (girlfriend) in one day. *clears throat* do I still need to say they love food? Let me just simply quote that the way to a man’s heart is either through his trousers or his mouth.
8.       Good communication and a little bit of support: yes even this too!!! Sometimes they just want to talk to you, share what keeps them worried, talk about their day, share their burdens and hear your opinions. They just want you to support them sometimes, see the good in their dreams and aspirations and be there to watch them grow.
9.       Girlfriend not mother:  some girls just assume that being a girlfriend requires you to baby your boyfriends around. you might call them baby but please they are not babies. Don’t nag them at every single opportunity you get. Don’t correct them if the only way you can is by shouting like you are their mothers, find better ways to pass your message without necessarily nagging.
10.   Above all a little or more decency: I know some guys love sluts and bitches but not as girlfriends or future wives no they don’t. You can see them hang around girls with low decency levels and semi prostitutes but that’s just for the sex and fun moment part of it. They want to be able to show you off to their friends and have no scare that one of them would have sexed you or that they will have something bad or a slutty gist about you.
If you are a good woman, half the time, it’s always right to say the good men will find you. I always say live the life you will be proud of. If you didn’t know all these about men well you’re welcome :*


  1. debbie nwokobia9 May 2013 at 01:54

    On point!!!

  2. Like this story . Emmanuel Ofuonye

  3. I love this

  4. Nice writeup buh I'l say some guys also want to experience the mother in deir women.dey want to be taken care of @ tyms by deir women,speakin 4rm experience..Ogo.E

  5. much as i'll like to say you're rite about d whole write up, but much is still left to address.. just found out you're a woman..well..more grease to the elbow of those that completely agree..

  6. most comments here must be from women,yes men like most of tins stated here,do we give it to them if we know this?
